u2-web -- Affordable Web Hosting
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Welcome, thank you for choosing u2-web for your hosting needs and we hope you enjoy your stay with us. Please let us know if you have any questions. We request you familiarize your self with our support section, where we have added resources to help you get started with your account and your website.

The Account Portal is your central place for your hosting account, domains and billing management. You can access the Account Portal at https://cp.u2-web.com:8443 or http://cp.u2-web.com:8080

You will need to delete this page, index.html, when you start to build your website or we advise you rename it to info.html for future reference.

Webmail can be accessed via your Account Portal --> webmail icon and once at webmail you can bookmark that for easy access.

Account Portal Login
u2-web Online Store

Shop at our online store and buy great u2-web merchandise such as caps, mugs, clocks and much more! Show off the best web hosting company to your friends, family and colleagues!

Online Store

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